Hi, I'm Edgar Jeong
A Software Engineer

I love integrating tools and solving problems.
Machine learning and web applications are my specialty.

About meAbout me

My Timeline

MAR 2021 - FEB 2023

Computer Vision - Ulsan University, Korea

- Masters Degree in Computer Vision

- Graduating Feb 2023

- Currently writing a thesis about real time semantic segmentation with an efficient attention network based on SENetwork and CBAM

SEP 2020 - JUN 2022

Software Engineer - CodePro, Korea

- Developed various machine learning applications utilizing computer vision CNN models for object detection, semantic segmentation and action recognition.

SEP 2019 - MAR 2021

Web Developer - White Cloud Apps

- Developed a RESTful API using Node.js/Express for sending fundrasing events info and users data to email server.

- Created configurable React components to display different event information.

- Developed a responsive design for different screen resolutions using Bootstrap and CSS media queries.

FEB 2019 - MAR 2020

42 Silicon Valley - Coding Bootcamp

- A college-level, non-profit, tuition-free computer programming school with a peer-to-peer learning environment.

- Created unix basic function(printf, ls etc) in C

- Created Tinder like dating, Twitter like social media applications with MERN stack

Contact MeContact


: Columbus, OH


: edgarcjeong@gmail.com

Mobile Number

: (614) 615-4082


: Korean, English